Monday, August 6, 2012

Signage reveals London's hidden psyche

Besides revealing as much about the message sender as it does the target audience, outdoor advertising also adds to the character of a locale in a way that no guidebook can.

In that respect, London did not disappoint.

Sushi to go
Londoners must take their sushi seriously. This signage sits on back of scooters parked outside a restaurant. Cool name for the business and a clever way to advertise as well as deliver.

Steering potential customers
This piece of cattle-sculpture stands atop a restaurant in The City, the oldest part of London.

Snake charmers allowed on the bus
Look closely at the wording beneath the sign.

The morning read
An add for The Guardian, a London news publication. The copy reads, "3 journalists, 4 chefs and 126 people with hangovers discuss the perfect fry-up." In case it's not obvious, the art is supposed to represent a fried egg.

Going green
London seems to be quite committed to progressive environmental policies.

Catch the next one
Guess no one was born knowing how to drive a double-decker bus...

An important message
This billboard is near Paddington Station, which is definitely not one of the more touristy areas of London.

Fire safety
Interesting because I've never seen anything like it in the U.S., where we have fire extinguishers instead of fire blankets. Oddly, this apparatus was in a restroom (not a kitchen) in a theatre on the West End.

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