Thursday, July 19, 2012

Finding Birkbeck

Still committed to staying awake till British bedtime, I left the Barbican and decided to try to find Birkbeck College and the University of London.

The University of London actually consists of 19 self-governing colleges, including Birkbeck College, from which my master's in organizational psychology is offered through the university's International Programmes.

The two entities are actually housed across the street from one another in a section of central London called "Bloomsbury," where the must-see British Museum is also located.

Don't I know you?
What made this particular Saturday in London so timely was that Birkbeck was having a seminar for students still working their way through the program. Our program coordinator, Lee, had invited any early-appearing graduates to stop by, which I did.

Quietly, I took a seat in the back of the room as the afternoon session continued -- and began matching the speakers at the front of the room with photos of the instructors that I knew through conferencing but had never actually met. That had to be Andrew.... Must be Chris presenting... So that's Wanda... And Lee... of course, couldn't be anyone else.

How, I'm not sure, but Lee recognized me, and she introduced me to the seminar attendees as one of the students who would be graduating this coming Tuesday. Meeting the tutors who had provided so much guidance for five years was just extraordinary, and what a surprise to find that two of my friends were among the attendees: Tiia-Riia (Finnish-born, living working in Switzerland) and Fernando (born in Brazil but careered in Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, France and Italy).

These first-year students, most of whom seemed to be already well-launched in their careers, had made the trip not only from Europe, but also from Russia and South Africa, and it was my pleasure to meet many among this extraordinary group.

Pub crawl (well, not exactly)
After the seminar and reception, those of us who did not have to leave, walked to a pub for dinner -- and it was during that brief journey that I narrowly missed getting hit by a bus. London is so vibrant and fast-moving... Things happen quickly, and although streets can be crossed quite safely, animated conversation is a bit of a distraction.

British pubs are a thing all their own -- and maybe the subject of a future post. I ordered something called "deviled whitebait," which turned out to be tiny little fish, deep fried and salty, with their innards gutted out. Accompanied by a shared bottle of French white Sancerre, this meal was quite different than the salad and oakey California chardonnay I usually order back home in Indiana. And that is the point, really... Why travel if you aren't willing to try new things, even if you're not quite sure what they are?

What a delightful evening and what a great first day in London.

Sleep, finally.

Tomorrow was going to be equally eventful -- with plans to meet fellow-graduate Steve at Big Ben.

University of London (above), Birkbeck College (below)

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